Benefits of infrared sauna

Infrared saunas have gained popularity in recent years, and proponents claim several benefits associated with their use. While scientific research is still evolving in this area, saunas seem like a promising treatment modality. As a functional medicine practice, at Tendwell are open to new methods of therapy and treatment, if consistent with the best available evidence and good clinical practice. Sometimes sauna is appropriate as an adjunct to other therapies. Here are some potential benefits attributed to infrared saunas:


  1. Improved relaxation: Many people find infrared saunas relaxing, as the heat helps to soothe muscles and promote a sense of calmness. It can be a good way to unwind and de-stress after a long day.

  2. Detoxification: Sweating is one of the body's natural ways to eliminate toxins. Infrared saunas can induce profuse sweating, which may help to detoxify the body by flushing out impurities through the skin. However, the extent of detoxification benefits through sweat is still a topic of debate among experts.

  3. Pain relief: Infrared heat has been suggested to provide relief from muscle aches, joint pain, and minor injuries. It can potentially help improve blood circulation and relax tense muscles.

  4. Improved cardiovascular health: Some studies suggest that regular use of infrared saunas may have positive effects on cardiovascular health. It may help to improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, and increase heart rate, which can potentially contribute to better overall cardiovascular function.

  5. Enhanced skin health: The deep-penetrating heat from infrared saunas may have benefits for the skin. It could promote a healthy complexion, improve skin tone and texture, and potentially help with conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. However, more research is needed to establish the extent of these benefits.

  6. Weight management: While infrared saunas alone are not a weight loss solution, they may support weight management efforts. The increased heart rate and sweating during sauna sessions can contribute to burning calories and improving metabolism.


In addition to having profound physiological effects, sauna bathing is reported to have beneficial psychological effects that are reflected in the many reports of improved well-being and pain tolerance. The psychological impact of sauna may be due to a combination of factors that include the release of endorphins and other opioid-like peptides such as dynorphins, forced mindfulness, psychological stress reduction, relaxation, improved sleep, time out from busy life schedules and other aspects of individual psychological and social interactions that likely occur around frequent sauna activity.


"The Galveston Diet" by Mary Claire Haver MD


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