What’s Included in a Functional Medicine Annual Physical?

What’s Included in an Annual Physical from the Functional Medicine Perspective?

Unlike a traditional physical exam, an annual physical from the functional medicine perspective includes a personalized whole-person assessment, rather than just a one size fits all approach. Functional medicine looks to find the root cause of imbalances or dysfunctions within core body systems and is less concerned about determining a diagnosis for which to prescribe medication. Functional assessments guide the evaluation process, and we work with each patient to address these imbalances naturally. 

Functional medicine assessments are far more thoroughgoing than the approach taken during a  standard annual physical.  While there are some similarities (at both a functional medicine clinic and a standard practice, you might be assessed via CBC with diff, CMP, TSH, Vitamin D test, iron test, or even Vitamin B12 test), the holistic approach dives deeper. In our practice at Tendwell, we look at comprehensive vitamin and nutrient panels, full thyroid testing, and assessments for heavy metals. We may also suggest getting a comprehensive gut panel via functional medicine stool testing. We may also look at food sensitivities or hormone testing that is far more nuanced than the general labs done at a traditional doctor’s office. Aside from testing, your Denver functional medicine doctor will take a comprehensive look at your full health history (from birth until the present day). We will also take a look at your nutritional intake, supplement use, hormonal imbalances, energy levels, and sleep patterns. 

Here are some further details on common assessments you can expect at your next appointment. 

Blood work

One of the most common tests in both conventional and functional medicine is a blood test. But not all blood tests are created equal.  Traditional doctors often approach these tests too narrowly by, for example, looking at only one test for thyroid function rather than a comprehensive panel.  Your holistic practitioner, on the other hand, can cast a wider net and learn a great deal more about your global health from a well-designed blood test.  The same goes for metabolic testing, where your functional provider may look at fasting insulin and hemoglobin A1C rather than simply looking at fasting blood sugar like a traditional doctor might. 

Food sensitivity test

Another important assessment that you can expect from your alternative medicine doctor is a food sensitivity test. Especially if you are reporting gut health issues, hormonal imbalances, or erratic energy levels, your diet may be a significant cause for these issues. It can be hard to track how different foods affect your body, so this test can provide a bedrock of useful insight.

Thyroid function testing

Hormonal imbalances can cause a number of issues in your body, such as fatigue, fluctuating weight, a slowed or quickened heartbeat, anxiety, or Hashimoto’s disease. That is why your functional medicine practitioner may order thyroid function testing.  (As an aside, it’s worth pointing out that a variety of aspects of your life, including toxins in your home, can cause hormonal imbalances. Learn more about detoxifying your home here.  Searching for a ‘functional hormone doctor near me’ is also a good idea if you’re experiencing any of these hormonal imbalance symptoms.)

Finally, in the functional medicine annual physical, we will consider other lifestyle factors that may be contributing to the dysfunction. For example, rather than simply testing for high cholesterol, the holistic health approach will also probe other aspects of your life that may be contributing to the high cholesterol in the first place, like diet and family genetic health history. For treatment, instead of prescribing medicine (or maybe in addition to it), your functional health doctor will look into vitamins, diet change options, or conduct further testing to ensure the most comprehensive & natural path to good health. 

Annual physical exams are an important part of preventive medical care that is often overlooked or pushed aside for too long. Functional health doctors focus on preventing illness, balancing the body's systems, and making sure your body is working best for you and your lifestyle. This approach will likely help you avoid more doctor visits down the road. Search for functional health doctors in Denver or click back to our home page to get started.


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