Well Intended

Thoughts on functional care and the whole person.

Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Navigating Migraines Amid Hormonal Changes in Perimenopause

At our functional medicine practice, we specialize in perimenopause and migraines. With respect to migraines, we offer a more effective root-cause approach than in traditional medical practices. For many, the instinctive response to a migraine, involves reaching for medications like Ibuprofen or prescription pain medications. However, the regular use of such medications (two or more times a week) can pose risks to the stomach and intestines, as highlighted by recent FDA warnings citing an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. Clearly, something else is needed. At Tendwell, we offer an individualized plan to tackle the causes of migraines and to help women navigate the perimenopausal period.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Menopause Hormone Therapy (MHT) as an Aspect of Functional Medicine Treatment

At Tendwell, we have many patients who are entering menopause. Recent advances in hormone therapies for menopause (“Menopausal Hormone Therapy”, “MH”, or “MHT”), also known as hormone replacement therapy (“HRT”), make it a great compliment to holistic and integrative approaches for women experiencing menopause. The decision to start MHT should be made in consultation with your Tendwell healthcare provider based on a thorough assessment of your individual health, medical history, and symptoms.

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Jim Kerwin Jim Kerwin

Spotlight on the DUTCH test

Not all hormone testing is created equal. At Tendwell, we often use advanced hormone testing to obtain a nuanced and full picture of what is happening with an individual’s hormonal function. Sadly, this is not what usually happens in standard primary care. Most of the time, standard medical practices send patients to a company like Quest for blood-based hormone testing. This kind of hormone testing has its place but it often misses information that is truly valuable. A far better method is the one used in the DUTCH test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones), which is one of my favorites.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

What is Reverse T3 (rT3)? And why should rT3 testing be a part of a functional medicine approach to assessing thyroid function?

Reverse T3 (rT3) is a form of thyroid hormone produced by the body, but unlike T3, it is considered inactive and doesn't play a significant role in regulating metabolism. At Tendwell, we consider the measurement of reverse T3 levels to be an important aspect of comprehensive thyroid testing, which is, in turn, an important component in many holistic health plans. In some cases, an elevated rT3 level can be an indication of a problem with the conversion of the inactive form of thyroid hormone (T4) to the active form (T3). This is important because T3 is the hormone that has the most metabolic activity and is responsible for regulating many body functions such as heart rate, body temperature, and energy levels.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Hormone Imbalance Issues?

Much like thyroid problems, hormone imbalances can have a major impact on your health. Hormone imbalances, especially in women, can be common. It is estimated 80 percent of women will have some form of hormone imbalance in their lifetime.

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