Well Intended

Thoughts on functional care and the whole person.

Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Brain Fog

At our functional medicine office in Denver, Colorado, we see a lot of patients with symptoms of “brain fog.” Brain fog is a term used to describe a collection of symptoms involving cognitive dysfunction, such as difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, and a general feeling of mental cloudiness. It is often associated with various underlying conditions, including stress, poor diet, hormonal imbalances, and chronic illnesses. Functional medicine doctors use a holistic approach to identify and address the root causes of brain fog.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

What are some ideas for a high protein breakfast?

Many clients struggle to get the recommended levels of protein in daily…me too. At my house, we know that including healthy fats and protein in each meal, especially breakfast, sets a you up for a better day. This translates into more stable blood sugar, steady energy, stable moods, a sharp mind and feelings of satiety which means less snacking though the day. I know many traditional cereal based breakfasts (including oatmeal) are lacking in protein power. Here is a quick list of protein forward breakfast ideas to bring to the table. Pun intended!

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Menopause Hormone Therapy (MHT) as an Aspect of Functional Medicine Treatment

At Tendwell, we have many patients who are entering menopause. Recent advances in hormone therapies for menopause (“Menopausal Hormone Therapy”, “MH”, or “MHT”), also known as hormone replacement therapy (“HRT”), make it a great compliment to holistic and integrative approaches for women experiencing menopause. The decision to start MHT should be made in consultation with your Tendwell healthcare provider based on a thorough assessment of your individual health, medical history, and symptoms.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Spotlight on Vitamin D3

Winter is coming. This means taking stock and re-evaluating our vitamin and supplement routine. As the seasons change, we need to consider our old friend vitamin D3. I am often still surprised to see low levels of vitamin D in my patients, coming out of Summer. With all of this amazing sun in Denver, Colorado, why would a deficiency of vitamin D3 come up? Well, many people wear sunscreen—including myself. We want to protect our skin from sun damage and reduce our risk for skin cancer. Some people have darker skin tones and therefore more melanin in their skin. This means that they may require even more sun exposure in order to make adequate levels of vitamin D. Others may have genetic variations that predispose them to lower levels of vitamin D. Whatever the case, it is important to check your vitamin D status at least twice a year to see where you are at and find your ideal dosage.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

I’m in my 30s or 40s, should I pay attention to cognitive health?

In our functional medicine practice, we focus a great deal on long-term prevention of age-related declines. A chief concern is maintaining and optimizing brain function not to mention reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive declines. Some patients wonder when they should start thinking about this. Our answer: It is never too early to make an impact and it can be beneficial to start paying attention to cognitive health in your 30s or 40s or even earlier.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Addressing Neuro Threats the Functional Medicine Way

The human brain is a complex organ that requires proper support and care to function optimally. However, several factors can affect the brain's health and lead to various neurological disorders. In this article, we will discuss the top three neuro threats: inflammation, poor brain support molecules, and exposure to toxins, and natural techniques to reduce their risk.

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Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner Susannah Kerwin, Holistic Nurse Practitioner

Improving brain health by optimizing your metabolism

At our functional medicine office in Denver, Colorado, we are often asked for advice on improving brain health through holistic and integrative methods. In this functional medicine blog, we focus on improving metabolism, which is one way to support brain health. To function optimally, the brain needs a steady supply of nutrients and energy, which are provided by the body's metabolism. Here are some tips for improving brain health by enhancing your metabolism.

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