Questions to Ask a Functional Medicine Telehealth Provider

When considering a functional medicine doctor, it’s essential to ask relevant questions to ensure that they can meet your specific needs and provide high-quality care. Here are some important questions to consider:

1.     What is your experience with telehealth visits? Inquire about the provider's experience and comfort level with conducting telehealth appointments. Ask how long they have been offering telehealth services and how they ensure patient privacy and data security during virtual consultations.

2.     Do you have any specialized functional medicine certifications or training?  The industry gold standard is the Institute for Functional Medicine certification.  Find out if your provider has one.

3.     Are you licensed to practice in my state? Confirm that the functional medicine provider is licensed to practice in your state. Licensing requirements may vary, and it's crucial to ensure they are authorized to provide care in your location.

4.     What conditions or health concerns do you commonly treat? Discuss your specific health concerns and inquire about the provider's experience and expertise in treating those conditions. Functional medicine providers may have different areas of specialization, so it's important to find one who is knowledgeable about your specific needs.

5.     What diagnostic tests do you use, and can they be done remotely? Functional medicine often involves specialized testing to identify underlying imbalances. Ask the provider about the diagnostic tests they commonly use and whether those tests can be conducted remotely or if you would need to visit a local laboratory or clinic for testing.

6.     How will you gather my medical history and current health information? Understand how the provider will collect your medical history and gather information about your current health. They may ask you to fill out forms or provide documents in advance, so ask about the process and any specific information they require.

7.     How do you develop treatment plans and monitor progress? Inquire about the provider's approach to developing treatment plans and how they monitor your progress remotely. Ask how often they schedule follow-up appointments and how they track changes in your health over time.

8.     What is the cost of joining the functional medicine practice, and how do you handle insurance? Discuss the cost of becoming a member.  Ask if there are separate fees for lab tests or other third-party services.  Ask about their accepted payment methods and whether they accept insurance for telehealth visits. Inquire about any potential out-of-pocket expenses.

9.     What is your approach to personalized care and patient empowerment? Functional medicine often emphasizes personalized care and patient empowerment. Ask the provider about their approach to engaging patients in their own care and promoting lifestyle changes. Understanding their philosophy can help you determine if it aligns with your preferences and goals.

10.  Can you provide patient references or testimonials? Request patient references or testimonials from previous telehealth patients. This can give you insights into the provider's communication style, effectiveness, and patient satisfaction.

Remember, these questions serve as a starting point. Feel free to ask additional questions specific to your health concerns or any other factors important to you. Open and transparent communication with the functional medicine provider will help you make an informed decision and ensure a productive telehealth visit. You can ask these, and other, questions during a free 15 minute consultation with Tendwell. Book one here.


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