Interview with Liza Roeckl: EMDR Therapist, Energy Worker, Spiritual Healer & much more!

At Tendwell, I often collaborate with other like-minded practitioners. They may not refer to themselves as functional medicine providers, but they have a truly holistic approach and consider the whole person when working with their clients. One such provider is Liza Roeckl. Thanks so much to Liza who sat down to talk with me about her practice in New York today. Liza is someone I met along my clinical path, while I was working and living in NYC. She has her own practice where she uses a variety of modalities to address fertility concerns and trauma with her clients. Liza Roeckl is an EMDR Therapist, Abdominal Therapy Practitioner, Advanced Pregnancy Massage Therapist, Spiritual Healer, Reiki Master, Energy Worker, Licensed Massage Therapist, Licensed Creative Art Therapist, and Kundalini Pregnancy Yoga Teacher. She’s had a New York-based healing practice for over twenty years. Liza specializes in helping people of all ages with fertility issues, postpartum care, painful menstrual cycles, digestive issues, low self-esteem, anxiety, sexual trauma, fibroids, and post-miscarriage care. Liza also works with LGBTQ clients on fertility concerns and overall health. Liza is a wonderful old soul with a joyful spirit. I am excited to bring this interview with her to you today.

Tendwell: Tell me a bit about how you came to be in the healing arts? What led you to the practice you have today? 

Liza: I grew up in a very spiritual home and was always encouraged by my mom and grandma to go into this field. My Mom went to a psychic when I was a kid and they said, I would be a famous My mom saw it in me…not that I am famous 😊

Tendwell: I’m very interested in your approach with clients especially with fertility concerns. What could an appointment with you look like? 

Liza: Since I have multiple modalities- spiritual healing, energy work, abdominal massage, EMDR therapy, meditation, etc. I like to first speak to clients by phone to get a sense of what they need. Usually, body work first appointments are 90 minutes. We speak a lot about what is going on and then get on the table. Then, I work on the client to see what’s going on. This is a combination of energy work, spiritual healing, and bodywork. For EMDR, we talk for a little while to get the history, but I like to do meditation and resourcing early on. Once we develop the relationship we begin processing.

Tendwell: What other types of providers do you tend to collaborate with? 

Liza: I love to collaborate with Acupuncturists and Naturopathic doctors and one [specific] Colonic therapist- a lot of fertility issues are related to poor digestion. 

Samantha Story Acupuncture –

Dr. Lauren Geyman- - naturopathic doctor

Janice Zwail - 212 -727 1012 - Colon Therapist for fertility 

Tendwell: Do you tend to combine treatment modalities you use with clients? How do you know you’ve achieved the patient’s goals especially when working with trauma? 

Liza: I love to combine all my modalities. With trauma, I sometimes like to first work on the body and energy field to see what is ready to go. Then once the body is grounded and clear, we can start processing. It’s a whole system, all areas must be addressed.

Tendwell: Does a person need clear goals when working with you or can they dabble? 

Liza: They can dabble. We never know where the healing is actually going to go and by being open to the experience, a lot is revealed.

Tendwell: How does a distance healing session work? Do you need to be in the same place for energy transmissions to work? 

Liza: We speak for a little while and I connect to the energy. Then using the reiki symbols for distant healing and my guides I ask for assistance. We hang up the call and then I sit quieting, (usually with my dog) and send the healing. Then we call back and share what’s happened. It’s about trust and listening, it is extremely amazing what is revealed!!!

Tendwell: I’m sure everyone is different but how long do you tend to work with each client? 

Liza: Sometimes 1 session and then 9 months later I get a photo of a baby!!! Sometimes if EMDR therapy--years!

Tendwell: How do people usually find you? 

Tendwell: Thanks so much Liza! I hope that many of my NYC based patients will find this interview helpful. I’m also tempted to book a distance healing session myself, because you are amazing. So, for my clients in Denver, this distance work could also be a fantastic option for gaining insight and relief.


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