Healing from Mold Toxicity – the Functional Medicine Way

At Tendwell, we have a number of patients with chronic health issues that have gone unresolved and whose causes have been undiagnosed, despite repeated trips to conventional doctor’s offices.  When clinically appropriate, we test for mold toxicity, which quite often leads to an ah ha moment.  Patients finally have an understanding of where their dysfunction is coming from.  But knowledge is only half the battle.  Then comes treatment.  At our Denver functional medicine office, we have developed a number of effective strategies to help patients recover from mold toxicity.  In this blog, we outline a few.

Healing from mold toxicity can be challenging, but there are functional medicine approaches that might help support your body’s natural detoxification processes. Here are some strategies often recommended:

1. Remove Mold Exposure

  • Identify and Remove Mold: First, ensure that you are no longer being exposed to mold. This might involve professional mold remediation in your living or work environment.

  • Air Purifiers: Use HEPA air purifiers to reduce mold spores in the air.

2. Dietary Support

  • Anti-Inflammatory Diet: Focus on a diet rich in organic vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats (like omega-3s). Avoid processed foods, sugar, and refined carbs that can fuel inflammation.

  • Glutathione-Rich Foods: Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that supports detoxification. Foods like asparagus, broccoli, and avocados can boost your levels.

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to support kidney function and help flush toxins from your body.

3. Supplements and Nutrients

  • Binders: Supplements like activated charcoal, bentonite clay, or chlorella can bind to toxins in the gut and help eliminate them.

  • N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): This amino acid supports glutathione production and may help detoxify mold-related toxins.

  • Probiotics: Support gut health, which is critical for detoxification, by taking a high-quality probiotic supplement.

  • Vitamin C and B Vitamins: These can support your immune system and help with energy production during recovery.

4. Detoxification Support

  • Sweating: Activities that induce sweating, like saunas or exercise, can help your body eliminate toxins.

  • Liver Support: Consider herbs like milk thistle or dandelion root to support liver function.

  • Dry Brushing and Epsom Salt Baths: These can stimulate lymphatic circulation and help with detoxification.

5. Addressing Underlying Health Issues

  • Gut Health: Healing your gut is crucial, as it plays a significant role in immune function and detoxification. Consider working with a healthcare provider to address any underlying gut issues, like intestinal permeability (aka “leaky gut), or dysbiosis.

  • Immune Support: Strengthen your immune system with adequate sleep, stress management, and immune-supportive supplements like vitamin D, zinc, colostrum, and immunoglobulins.

6. Professional Guidance

  • Work with a Functional Medicine Practitioner: They can create a personalized plan, which may include advanced testing for mold exposure, detoxification protocols, and support for any other underlying health issues.

Addressing mold toxicity can be complex, so it’s best to have the guidance of a healthcare professional experienced in functional medicine. Make and appointment today with Tendwell to see if we are a good fit for you.


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