Functional Medicine Treatment of Constipation

Constipation is a common and uncomfortable condition that affects millions of people every year. Constipation can be defined as infrequent bowel movements (less than one per day), hard stool, or even incomplete evacuation. It can cause abdominal pain, bloating, irritability, loss of appetite, and even serious complications like fecal impaction or incontinence. Constipation can have many possible causes, ranging from diet and lifestyle factors to medications and medical conditions like IBS, SIBO or SIFO. However, conventional treatments for constipation often focus on relieving the symptoms rather than addressing the underlying root causes. This can lead to dependency on laxatives, rebound constipation, or incomplete resolution of the problem.

A functional medicine doctor can offer a different approach to constipation treatment that aims to identify and correct the imbalances in the body that contribute to poor bowel function. Functional medicine is a systems- and evidence-based approach that considers the interactions between the environment, genetics, and physiology of each individual. A functional medicine provider can use comprehensive testing, detailed history taking, and personalized interventions to help patients with constipation achieve optimal digestive health and overall wellness. At Tendwell, we call this personal medicine.

Functional Medicine Assessment of Constipation

At Tendwell, we start by conducting a thorough assessment of the patient’s constipation symptoms, medical history, family history, diet, lifestyle, stress levels, medications, supplements, and exposure to toxins. We also order appropriate laboratory tests to evaluate the function of the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system, the endocrine system, the immune system, and the microbiome. Some of the tests that may be used include:

  • Stool analysis to check for inflammation, infection, parasites, dysbiosis, malabsorption, or occult blood

  • Breath tests to measure hydrogen or methane production by bacteria in the small intestine

  • Blood tests to measure thyroid hormones, blood sugar levels, electrolytes, vitamin D levels, calcium levels, or heavy metal levels

  • Urine tests to measure organic acids

  • Imaging tests to visualize the structure of the colon or the pelvic floor muscles

  • Motility tests to measure the transit time or pressure of stool through the colon

  • Sensitivity tests to identify food allergies or intolerances

Based on the results of these tests and the patient’s history, our functional medicine providers can identify the possible root causes of constipation and design a personalized treatment plan.

Functional Medicine Treatment of Constipation

As a functional medicine office, we use a combination of dietary modifications, nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, stress management techniques, appropriate medication, and other therapies to treat constipation and restore normal bowel function. The treatment plan will be tailored to the patient’s specific needs and preferences and will be monitored and adjusted as needed. Some of the common elements of a functional medicine treatment plan for constipation include:

  • Increasing fiber intake from fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains

  • Increasing fluid intake from water, herbal teas, soups, or bone broth

  • Avoiding processed foods, refined sugars, gluten, dairy products, or other foods that may trigger inflammation or intolerance

  • Taking probiotics or prebiotics to support a healthy microbiome balance

  • Taking magnesium citrate or oxide to relax the bowel muscles and draw water into the stool

  • Taking vitamin C or E to stimulate peristalsis and act as antioxidants

  • Taking digestive enzymes or bile acids to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients

  • Taking herbal laxatives like senna for short-term relief of severe constipation

  • Taking herbal demulcents like marshmallow root or slippery elm to soothe and lubricate the intestinal lining

  • Taking herbal carminatives like fennel seed or peppermint oil to reduce gas and bloating

  • Practicing regular exercise to stimulate blood flow and muscle activity in the abdomen

  • Practicing relaxation techniques like meditation or breathing exercises to reduce stress and anxiety that may affect bowel function

  • Practicing biofeedback or pelvic floor exercises to improve muscle coordination and tone in the rectum and anus

  • Seeking acupuncture or massage therapy to enhance energy flow and circulation in the digestive system


Constipation is a common but not normal condition that can have a negative impact on one’s quality of life and health. A functional medicine provider can help patients with constipation by identifying and addressing the root causes of their condition using a holistic and personalized approach. By following a functional medicine treatment plan that includes dietary modifications, nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, stress management techniques, and other therapies, patients with constipation can achieve optimal digestive health and overall wellness.


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"The Galveston Diet" by Mary Claire Haver MD