Autoimmunity - A Holistic Medicine Perspective

Autoimmunity is a complex and fascinating topic that has captivated the attention of the functional medicine community for decades. Autoimmunity is a serious situation that affects millions of people worldwide. In this integrative medicine blog, we will explore the current understanding of autoimmunity, its causes, diagnosis, and treatment.

Autoimmunity is a condition in which the immune system attacks the body's own healthy tissues, mistaking them for foreign invaders. This leads to inflammation and tissue damage, which can result in a range of symptoms and diseases. The causes of autoimmunity are still not entirely understood, but it is believed to be a combination of intestinal permeability, a trigger, and genetics.

Functional medicine, with its approach of addressing the root cause of disease, rather than simply treating symptoms, is particularly effective in the treatment of autoimmunity, as it focuses on identifying and addressing the underlying factors that contribute to the immune system's dysregulation.  Functional medicine practitioners use a variety of tools, including comprehensive laboratory testing, dietary and lifestyle interventions, and targeted supplementation, to restore balance to the body and support optimal immune function. By addressing the root cause of autoimmunity, functional medicine can often help patients achieve significant improvements in their symptoms and overall health.

One key element of functional medicine for autoimmunity is identifying and addressing triggers that may be contributing to immune dysregulation. These triggers can include environmental toxins, food sensitivities, and chronic infections. Comprehensive laboratory testing can help identify these triggers and guide personalized treatment plans. Dietary and lifestyle interventions are also essential in addressing autoimmunity with functional medicine. A diet that is rich in whole, phytonutrient rich foods and free from inflammatory triggers can help reduce inflammation and support immune function. The right balance of exercise, stress reduction, and sleep are also crucial in supporting optimal immune function and reducing the risk of autoimmune flare-ups.

Targeted supplementation can also be used in functional medicine to support immune function and address nutrient deficiencies that may be contributing to autoimmune symptoms. For example, certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D and zinc, are essential for immune function and may be deficient in individuals with autoimmune diseases.

At Tendwell, we provide comprehensive assessments through functional medicine telehealth appointments or in person appointments at our office in Denver, Colorado.  We commonly look for autoimmunity issues, depending on our patients’ personal conditions.  If you suspect you may have an autoimmune disease or are looking for a more comprehensive approach to managing your autoimmune condition, consider working with a Tendwell practitioner to help address the root cause of your symptoms and support optimal immune function.


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